First International Conference on Urban Physics

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Check the First International Conference on Urban Physics. FICUP

Deadline for paper submissions March 31 2016

FICUP, Quito – Galápagos, 25 September – 2 October 2016

The First International Conference on Urban Physics aims to be a founding event for the numerical simulation of cities and megacities, which are facing worldwide critical problems, such as their dual participation – as victims and actors – to the present and upcoming climate changes. The conference will provide an opportunity for scientists from different disciplines (computer graphics, environmental physics, numerical models, renewable energies, urban planning …) to confront their ideas and methods for the detection and analysis of physical quantities, in order to better manage the development of cities and to meet economic and environmental constraints.

 To achieve this goal, the conference is organized into five main sessions. The best papers will be published in a special issue of an international journal.



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